40k Battle Report: The Orky Defense

40K  Battle Report

The Orky Defense

Captain Sunshine had heard that a small village on a mining outpost had recently sent out a distress call. The message was garbled, but he heard a word he'd only heard in reference to skirmishes of the past, 'green'. The last thing anyone wanted to hear from a distress call was the word green. Given the circumstance High Command decided it best to investigate with small scouting patrol first. So it went sending the Sun Lance out from High Command to travel across space to the planet of Harvest 2. 

Arrival on the planet was quiet, far too quiet. Captain Sunshine led his scouting patrol out. Mostly a small band of tactical marines, sternguard veterans and as always some Florida men scouts. Moving through the village it was quiet, no talking, no shooting, no life. It took awhile but he eventually got to what appeared to be a town center of sorts. Of course there he saw it.

A pile of corpses lying there. Massive and rotted. Thankfully the environmental filters on his helmet kept him safe from the smell. One of the Florida men, who were not so lucky took in a sniff and commented, 'smells like my ex wife's cooking.' it wasn't the smell that really alerted Captain Sunshine. It was in fact the strange fungus growing on the bodies. Throughout the corpse pile strange mushrooms had sprouted and spores were viably leaving them and sticking to nearby things.

His battle senses went off before the shot. He had turned his head sharply to see a group of towering green skinned monsters marching his way. Each armed with a crudely assorted gun as if pipes, and hammers, and bicycle gears had all been crammed together to form some kind of ranged weapon. The shot that had lashed out from them landed in a nearby wall, he was surprised to see they had fired a pencil at him with such velocity that it had left a sizable hole in the wall.

Captain Sunshine raised his hand and gave the command to bring these orks down. It was at this moment he had realized there were even more on the horizon. Along with the biggest damned ork he'd ever seen, one that sported a tyranid tied to a chain as if it was some kind of pet. He could not believe it but the signs were clear. This was Squigbilly and his Greenbelley Waaagh!

Game Mode Eternal War: Vital Intelligence
Points: 500. 
Space Marines: Imperial Fists
Orks: Evil Sunz.

With the new army charging ahead it was all he could do to order his men into immediate cover. The Orks were mad, they were fast, and they were on there way. With the orks being the faster of the two they swarmed over buildings, through streets and out of windows before Captain Sunshine or his Solar Knights could act. It was a small horde for sure, but even a small horde easily turned into a mess if unchecked.

The Solar Knights instinct kicked in and they found the best places to hole up at while they waited for there ork menace to move closer to there bolterguns.

One squad of the Florida scouts take refuge behind a few buildings, that or they just found some beer back there.

The tatical squad of Snow Patrol takes sniping positions upon the rooftop.

Captain Sunshine, his lieutenant and the veterans hide behind said building.

Finally a group of Florida Scouts somehow managed to climb on top of a building a ways away and take aim with boltergun in one hand and beer in the other.

It was almost assured that these orks were about to rain some dangerous fire without warning, but Captain Sunshine managed to react with the speed of a proper space marine captain and stole the initiative from his foes. Doing so allowed the tactical squad to move up just to the edge of the building and in range of boltgun fire.

The squad of Florida Men Scouts stumble sideways a bit so they too can take a few shots at the greenskins and hold the objective a bit better. Of course that's just the start. Once the Solar Knights open fire they watch as orks begin to fall, but no matter how many bullets they can shoot it seems to never be enough as only a total of seven orks are brought down, so little it goes completely unnoticed by the horde.

With the shooting done the orks are free to make there advance felt to its fullest.

Not only did the ork horde begin to bridge the gap to the Solar Knights, the weird boy channels the powers of gork or possibly mork into opening a massive rift that sucks in and throws a unit of boys far up the field.

Now there not only in proper range with there sluggas but also for a proper charge.

The orks unleash there shots into the Florida men scouts and knock two of them down with an oppressive amount of slugga fire alone. next they charge and make no mistake a charging ork is nothing to blink an eye at.

with brutal orks massed around on all sides these Florida men scouts drink there last beer and swing there chainswords. One by one they fall until only one is left in melee but he can no longer hold the objective himself against such a horde. At least he brings one other ork down with him.

with the orks done with there first charge the focus returns to the Solar Knights.

Captain Sunshine knows that this battle is on a knifes edge, if he plans to survive let alone win he must make a big move. He orders his men to jump up onto the building so they can have a prime firing position to unleash the sun's wraith upon these green skinned fungoids.

with some well planned shooting the ork horde of boys coming there way are wiped from this earth. leaving an exposed warlord and not much else. A few lucky shots from Captain Sunshine himself land a hit on Squigbilly. This will earn him a grudge match for an eternity but the Captain knows the best chance of beating an ork is to cut off the head, then burn it, because those can be reattached.

Finally the lone Florida Man scout swings back. Takes another ork down but falls by the mass of greenskins around him. Live like a Florida Man, die like a Florida Man.

Thus it goes back to the ork horde to make there next move.

the deffdread takes quick cover behind a building hoping its big shootas will do something to the Solar Knights on there turn.

Squigbilly, not seeing a possibility for melee and krumping just yet retreats a bit to get out of range from those deadly bolterguns.

at the end of the movement the field looks like this. a lot of empty space where there was once orks. although the orks had taken a massive beating they still held more ground then the space marines, and were far from done just yet with there assault.

The next motion from the orks is to do the impossible against the impossible men. They throw, as many bombs and grenades as inhumanly possible at the Florida Men Scouts nearby. The detonations rock the building to its foundations and destroy much of it in the process. A few scouts drop from the bombs only to then have the smoke clear to reveal orks scaling the side of the building like some kind of spectacular spider-orks. Choppas stab and hack away at exposed limbs. A Florida man screams as he is being eaten, "Surrounded by green monsters that want to eat you, feels like home."

The final Florida Man scout does as every young Florida Man does at least once in his life time. he jumps off a building.

Meanwhile the rest of the orks advance slowly. A weird boy smites the veterans with green waaagh! energy until there no more than goo. The Solar Knights take down the deff dread with sustained fire. Smoke, fire, and blood cover the battlefield.

Looking at the remains. Seeing how many orks are left on the horizon and coming there way, and with no strong position formed to hold out, Captain Sunshine is forced to acknowledged Squigbilly's prowess and might, at least for now. Florida Man calls to his voxcast and sounds the retreat. The orks may have won this day, but he will return to show Squigbilly the might of the Solar Knights chapter!

Victory Points:

Space Marines: 7
Orks: 13

After Thoughts

Crimson: taking the Solar Knights out for another fight was fun, haven't done a small game like that in awhile nor have i ever fought orks before, despite playing them all the time. It was a unique challenge and one that my castle was not up to the task for. I could have tabled the ork army but it would have not gained me enough points to win. The turn in the middle where all the objectives were worth two points and i only scored for one objective was a real blow to my ability to succeed. Fun as hell, and would try again.

Kruizze: it was his first game playing orks so a lot of mistakes were made. Yet his understanding of placement for objective markers, after the first turn, allowed for an unmistakable victory. Using that stratagems to see him basically nuke the scouts was particularly hilarious. In the future he is considering trying a more shooty ork list.
